Saturday, December 20, 2014

Public "Education"

Driving home the other day, the thought started sitting heavily in my mind.
"What has happened to education, public education specifically. Why is it so bad? Why does it make us so unprepared for life? At the age of 22, I saw myself and many of my peers lacking the basic skills needed to simply survive. Basic technical skills, cooking, survival, money management, etc.

Immediately I became obsessed watching as many youtube videos, reading endless articles on how to build/repair things. While I admit I'm far from a master builder, I've come a long way in 2 years. It just amazes me that our school system taught us nothing. Growing up my parents would tell me how school would prepare them for certain skills, giving them a variety of classes that taught valuable skills needed to work everyday jobs. Nowadays school isn't like that. Instead they tell you what you need to become in the future and after cutting everything possible within the budget, supply the students with things they want them to learn. Not what the students want to learn.

Being a millennial myself, I fully admit I see our shortcomings at times. But I truly think a lot of it has to do with the public school system. It prepared us to do nothing but be a slave, working a 9-5 who needs material things we can't afford. They wont teach you how to manage your money but they'll damn sure tell a 16 year old to get a credit card as soon as possible and build their credit. As if they'll do so the right way without basic money managing skills..

In other words, they taught us to be debt ridden, 9-5 office job zombies. And I must admit, so far they're doing a pretty damn good job at it. Even though some can be entrepreneurs, I see a lot of my peers in debt, and if any of them have a job worth a damn it's an office job. Very few are good with their money, many of the guys can't do basic technical things and many of the women can't cook anything that doesn't go in a microwave. But hey, when we're grown up we'll just hire a cook and a repair man! Throw another charge on the monthly bill!

They truly have turned us into a dependant society. It's sad when a good amount of young people lack the basic skills to work because they weren't taught how to do so. Until we fix this issue, we'll continue falling behind as a country.

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